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Date published

21 November 2018

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How it all started

I'm currently housebound and bed bound with ME, fibromyalgia and pots. My cervical screening became due in February 2018 but I have so far been refused the test at home. there are no clear guidelines on domiciliary care for people with ME and what they can expect to receive at home.

What I did to try to overcome it

Have not taken steps yet but discussing with my ME support groups. Will ask for Gynae outpatients appt where I will could go by stretcher in patient transport. But if not then I will take it up with my MP because domiciliary care for severe ME patients has no guidance. Only ME charities have discussed it. We are a hidden patient group.

How it made me feel

As if my health, especially as a woman, is not important. And angry that my access to vital healthcare is compromised and sidelined.

The outcome

No outcome yet.

Final thoughts

The lack of domiciliary care, and reduced access to healthcare for housebound people in the UK is an issue of discrimination against the most vulnerable patient groups.

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I am an ambulatory wheelchair user with a fatigue based c...



Debbie 27 November 2018

Hi I can fully sympathise with you I also am bedbound and I only go to hospital in ambulance transport I have spoken to my GP about having cervical screening done at home and I was told they don't do it so that was the end of that conversation. I can understand that it's more difficult to do at home because we can't really have it done while laying in bed because we need to be laying very flat where as on the mattress it's quite springy but there must be a way around it. this is the first time that I've read someone else with the same as issues and I have no idea where we would for any help x

Bridget Taylor 22 November 2018

I heartily agree that services regarded as routine, such as cervical screening, must be available to those who cannot access them in the usual way.

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