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Date published

28 November 2018

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How it all started

When i was moved to pip from disability benefits.

What I did to try to overcome it


How it made me feel

Like dirt.

The outcome

No everything that was written about me was not true.

Final thoughts

I suffer from Dystonia, had three brain surgeries and due another. I went from receiving severe disability to no disability. I am struggling to make ends meet. I had two pip appeals where I wasnt even examined but they said i showed no sign of upper or lower limb function. How did the come up with that without an examination? I even offerd to take a lie detector test.

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I was a superb Midwife working in an acute area. We all w...



Ste 18 December 2018

I had two recorders and refered their lies in the final report back to them, they still said no, even though my tapes clearly prove their lies.

Debbie 3 December 2018

Hi I'm so sorry to hear of your experience but it's very very common. My advice would be that everybody needs to record their assessment then you have proof of what was said and what was done during your assessment because so many of these assessors lie on their reports and this results in people not getting the help that they are entitled to. It needs to be more widely advertised, the fact that people should record their assessments and how you do this it's not very difficult you need to have 2 tape machines and a couple of long tapes. An extension lead is always a good idea. Both tape machines are set to record at the same time and one copy is given to the assessor and you have the other copy. Then, you have proof of what was said and went on during your assessment. Many many of these assessors lie in their reports and this results in disabled people losing or not getting the help they are entitled to. This then results in you having to do an MR and then going to a tribunal which is extremely stressful.

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