
Out and About

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Date published

5 December 2018

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How it all started

My kids with special needs being called "spastic", "mong", "retard"' etc. Also my wife being mocked for using a wheelchair and mobility scooter.

What I did to try to overcome it

Informed housing association, council and local police.

How it made me feel


The outcome

It got worse. Property damaged. Mobility cars vandalised, tyres popped, windows smashed etc. Physical assaults. False accusations.

Final thoughts

Disability hate crime has been going on for 10 years. We have moved house, moved kids to different schools, but it still happens. Police, council, cps, legal groups and equality lawyers don't care and don't listen. Complaints are ignored and not investigated at all, even with independent, professionals involved with family.

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I have never thought of myself as having a disability let...



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