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Date published

7 January 2019

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How it all started

I was given the chance to rent a ground floor flat 5 years ago & I love it. i have fibromyalgia arthritis angina & I still work part time though now. Had the bathroom made into wet room the BWC paid a grant to have it all converted fell even more on love with my flat. Had garden flagged bit of grass few flowers & it’s so quiet peaceful. I’m the youngest in our lovely neighbourhood 56 yrs young, this calm peaceful flat all came crashing down 6 months ago when the upstairs flat became vacant & the local housing trust moved a young gent in there & our lives have been turned upside down, noise levels through the roof unsavoury people coming & going all hours, parties, drinking, drugs you name it all went on. Informed local housing people who gave us a diary to complete visited the guy who promised he would tone it down. He was for 1 week then back to normal so again I reported it they went out again & again he promised & 1 week later it was all going off again. I reported it all again & they are visiting him in 2 days time. I can’t afford to move, the bathroom was £4500. I don’t have the energy to even think straight, my disabilities demand relaxation peace & calmness I’m at a loss at what to do now any tips would be gratefully appreciated.

What I did to try to overcome it

I complained to local housing anti social behaviour unit I practised my mindfulness.

How it made me feel

I cry mostly my hubby has anxiety & mental health issues we take strong pain killers at night to help us sleep through everything.

The outcome

Nothing has changed we keep going & keep trying.

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