
Out and About

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Date published

5 December 2018

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How it all started

I and other families challenged our local Council when they removed suitable respite provision for our loved ones with SLD

What I did to try to overcome it

We started a petition to order the Council to have to readdress their decision. We protested in the streets, we obtained media support campaigning for our carers rights for the need of respite, a legal requirement and also the rights for individuals living with SLD and a disability to be able to access respite in order to have a break themselves with their own peer group.

How it made me feel

Fantastic, to challenge a Council and make them overturn their original decision and to publicly admit it was a dreadful error...

The outcome

The respite centre was reopened on a weekend only basis, we are still campaigning for full time opening and ‘ no restrictions to respite’.

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My kids with special needs being called "spastic", "mong"...



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